Terry Wong
Terry Wong
Candidate for Ward 7
Contact Information:
Video Interview:
Terry Wong is passionate about serving and representing communities, Calgarians, and our local businesses. In his 37 years of City involvement first as a City Hall manager in the areas of assessment/tax, corporate business planning/budgeting, and infrastructure planning, then as the Hounsfield Heights Briar Hill Community Association President and the Executive Director of the Chinatown Business Improvement Area, if elected, Terry will be the most experienced new member of City Council.
His motto is 'Do the Right Things, then Do the Things Right' and his Modus Operandi is 'Listen, Learn, then Lead'.
Terry does not have any ideology or pre-conceived agendas other than ensuring City Hall provides quality and effective municipal government in the most affordable manner by operating within its means and delivering highly satisfying services that are affordable to you.
Three key changes, if elected, are putting the word ‘Engage’ back into the Engage Policy by ensuring communities are not just informed and consulted, but city initiatives are also coordinated and collaborated with community stakeholders. Secondly, bring balance back between City Council, Administration, and Community/Calgarians. Thirdly, restore Honesty, Excellence, Accountability, Respect, and Trust - HEART.
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