Stop The Plastic Ban
Sign the petition to stop Calgary Council's plastic ban:
11,023 signatures
Goal: 10,000 Signatures
Update - 26th January 2024
From the get-go, we knew that Council's single-use items bylaw would not actually result in positive change for the environment, but instead, it would simply make life more difficult and unaffordable for Calgarians.
And now that the plastic ban has actually come into effect in the last week or so, we've been vindicated.
The policy is already a disaster, with complaints stacking up, businesses and consumers frustrated, money being wasted, and all for something that won't even improve the environment!
But, we have some good news!
Thanks to your help, some Councillors are already working on a plan to drastically alter or outright repeal this nonsensical bylaw.
And, the Province is looking into whether or not the City has overstepped their authority under the Municipal Government Act in enacting the regulations - especially after Justin Trudeau's federal plastics ban was deemed unconstitutional by the Federal Court.
Please help us send a strong message to Council by signing our petition demanding they Stop The Plastic Ban.
Then, once you've signed, please send this petition to your friends, family, network, and every Calgarian.
Let's throw this ridiculous bylaw where it belongs - in the trash!
Stop The Plastic Ban
In just two short months, the City of Calgary plans to impose fees for paper and reusable bags at checkout counters, in addition to making all single-use plastic items “by request” only.
This policy is supposed to be in addition to the Trudeau Liberals’ general ban on single-use plastics.
But yesterday, the Federal Court gave Calgarians and all Albertans a big win, ruling that Ottawa’s ban is unconstitutional.
The ruling is great news overall, but practically speaking, where does that leave Calgarians, given that the City has their even more stringent restrictions on single-use plastics set to come into effect in January?
Well, clearly, if the federal law is unconstitutional, the City one is too and needs to go.
That's why, today, we're launching a joint campaign with our friends at the Alberta Institute - who've been at the forefront of the fight against the federal law - to work together to repeal the City's law as well.
If Council had any common sense, they would immediately put their ban where it belongs - in the trash.
But, knowing Council, it won’t be that easy...
So, if you agree and want to help, please sign our petition calling on Council to Stop The Plastic Ban.
We’ve already proved that public pressure works.
We need to make sure that municipalities don’t become a back door for the Trudeau Liberals to implement unconstitutional policies.
11,023 signatures
Goal: 10,000 Signatures
Update - 26th January 2024
From the get-go, we knew that Council's single-use items bylaw would not actually result in positive change for the environment, but instead, it would simply make life more difficult and unaffordable for Calgarians.
And now that the plastic ban has actually come into effect in the last week or so, we've been vindicated.
The policy is already a disaster, with complaints stacking up, businesses and consumers frustrated, money being wasted, and all for something that won't even improve the environment!
But, we have some good news!
Thanks to your help, some Councillors are already working on a plan to drastically alter or outright repeal this nonsensical bylaw.
And, the Province is looking into whether or not the City has overstepped their authority under the Municipal Government Act in enacting the regulations - especially after Justin Trudeau's federal plastics ban was deemed unconstitutional by the Federal Court.
Please help us send a strong message to Council by signing our petition demanding they Stop The Plastic Ban.
Then, once you've signed, please send this petition to your friends, family, network, and every Calgarian.
Let's throw this ridiculous bylaw where it belongs - in the trash!
Stop The Plastic Ban
In just two short months, the City of Calgary plans to impose fees for paper and reusable bags at checkout counters, in addition to making all single-use plastic items “by request” only.
This policy is supposed to be in addition to the Trudeau Liberals’ general ban on single-use plastics.
But yesterday, the Federal Court gave Calgarians and all Albertans a big win, ruling that Ottawa’s ban is unconstitutional.
The ruling is great news overall, but practically speaking, where does that leave Calgarians, given that the City has their even more stringent restrictions on single-use plastics set to come into effect in January?
Well, clearly, if the federal law is unconstitutional, the City one is too and needs to go.
That's why, today, we're launching a joint campaign with our friends at the Alberta Institute - who've been at the forefront of the fight against the federal law - to work together to repeal the City's law as well.
If Council had any common sense, they would immediately put their ban where it belongs - in the trash.
But, knowing Council, it won’t be that easy...
So, if you agree and want to help, please sign our petition calling on Council to Stop The Plastic Ban.
We’ve already proved that public pressure works.
We need to make sure that municipalities don’t become a back door for the Trudeau Liberals to implement unconstitutional policies.
Who's Signing?

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