Randall Kaiser


Randall Kaiser

Candidate for Mayor


Contact Information:






An Alberta Rancher who supplied natural nutritious beef through Retail and Wholesale restaurants in Calgary for many years, prior to becoming an international humanitarian banker, knowing all aspects of credit manifestation processes and the existence of private unlimited asset backed off ledger accounts 
The current pedantic propaganda pandemonium causing terror in the minds of the masses by organized world governments is ending and I am here to guide and lead the people of Calgary from years of deception and undisclosed 
consent to governments gone amuck 
All unnecessary mandates and bylaws will end immediately and Calgary water will remain free of fluoride and even cleaner when I am Mayor 
And private funded projects from the unlimited asset backed accounts, kept for humanity by benevolent, Christ Conscious beings will flow naturally through the medium exchange banking system that has been infiltrated with integrity and love for ALL


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