Philip Mitchell


Philip Mitchell

Candidate for Ward 8


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I have decided to run in the Election this fall because our city has been struggling for six years now and it is time to act.

I believe we must take control of our own destiny and restore common sense at city hall.

I am a businessman who has continued to see success throughout the Financial Crisis in 2008, the global oil crash of 2014, and the recent Coronavirus Pandemic. I did this by quickly adapting to changing market conditions, surrounding myself with the right people and by controlled spending. I am resolute in my decision to run in Ward 8 as I truly believe a strong voice without any ulterior motives is critical in helping restore our beautiful city to economic prosperity. For the past sixteen years’ I have been involved in all aspects of business, including forecasting expenditures along with meeting budgets and deadlines. I am extremely self motivated; a quick learner and I excel at problem solving. Finding the common ground during negotiations is a skill I have honed throughout the years, and I feel it is one of my strongest attributes. My experience will enable me to have an immediate impact at city hall and the time that I have spent negotiating deals both in Canada and Internationally will be an extremely valuable asset that I believe is unmatched by my rivals. It is not enough to simply say we need to reduce spending at city hall, as in doing so would result in a reduction of services, job cuts and/or other austerity measures. The city spends in excess of 4 billion dollars a year and, as a result, needs experienced leadership who understands which spending is integral to the quality of Calgarians way of life and which is not.

The City of Calgary is a business, and many people tend to forget that. Experienced leadership is just as essential for success at City Hall as it is in the private sector. Throughout my life I have gained valuable experience as an entrepreneur with the creation of several diverse businesses, while at the same time, recognizing that each had its own challenges. The human side of business is always the most important and the City of Calgary is no exception. I have the skills and experience to engage in meaningful dialogue with people at all levels within an organization, which has continually proven to motivate them to perform at a higher level. In the end, this benefits all parties and at City Hall this would increase productivity, which in turn, would reduce expenditures. It is crucial as a leader to keep a professional attitude and never lose the confidence of the people around you. If elected, I will provide strong leadership, lead by example and maintain the highest integrity by always speaking the truth.


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