Matt Lalonde
Matt Lalonde
Candidate for Ward 7
Contact Information:
Video Interview:
My name is Matt Lalonde, and I am running to be your Ward 7 Councillor.
As a fourth-generation Calgarian, our city holds a special place in my heart. Like no other place in the world, this is home, and as such it has always been important to me to become involved in and engaged with issues and opportunities facing my home ward and the city at large. As a young professional watching our city continue to face its contemporary issues, it has become increasingly frustrating and disheartening to watch our government overspend and overtax the city without concern for its residents, businesses, or future. As my friends and colleagues continually leave in search of opportunity elsewhere, it has become my mission to help Calgary grow in a new positive direction that will support our families and jobs here. It is in pursuit of this goal that I am asking for your support to become your Councillor.
Civic-mindedness and community-building have always been key to my identity as a Calgarian and as someone who calls East Village home. To help achieve my goal of improving and supporting our communities, I earned a Master’s Degree in City Planning and a Bachelor’s Degree in Urban Studies at the University of Calgary. By learning how to develop tangible real-world policy and design solutions to our city’s challenges, I have grown to become one of its strongest advocates. Representing our downtown core and the communities that form the heart of the city is the perfect way to listen to and learn from my neighbors, and to put my skills to work for their benefit.
Part of the reason I believe I am the person for this task is because I am a principled and proud citizen of Ward 7 and Calgary. The values I hold, the policies I believe in, and my fiscal-mindedness will combine with my experience and passion for community-driven governance to deliver contemporary and creative solutions to our greatest challenges. I believe strongly in the value of small businesses, efficient government, low tax burdens, transparency and respect in governance, targeted and appropriate spending that ensures we live within our means, and the development of infrastructure, communities, and amenities in a sustainable and fiscally responsible manner. Most importantly, I value listening to all voices at the table to fix policy problems rather than denouncing those whose beliefs and ideas differ from my own, a pattern all too familiar to our current council. Our ward and our city, more than ever, need fresh ideas and a rejuvenated attitude towards effective and supportive governance.
What is most important to me, not only as a candidate but as a neighbor, is to listen to as many voices as possible and truly get to know everyone who shares my belief that our best days are ahead of us. Representing Ward 7 as your Councillor will be the opportunity and privilege of a lifetime, and with your support, we as a team can bring real change to the city and lead it in a new and positive direction.
If you would like to learn more about myself and my platform, or if you have ideas, priorities, dreams, or goals for the future of ward 7 that you want to share, please visit the Share your Ideas / Contact Me page to get in touch!
Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to meeting my neighbors in person soon!
Survey Results:
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